It’s hard to believe, but since Aimee and I got married back on August 23, 1997 (15 yrs ago), we have lived in 12 different homes. My oldest son has lived in 9 different locations in his short 13 years on this planet. We have children that were born in South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee hospitals. And, now we’re moving again.

Back in August 2011, we moved into a rental home here in the heart of Walterboro. We were blessed to find a great and spacious 4 bedroom home that was perfect for our little army and put me just one mile from my hospice office. Ever since we  moved into this house it’s been on the market, but never shown once. However, this past Wednesday there was a military family from Tennessee that wanted to check out the home.

The real estate agent didn’t even show and so I had the honor of playing tour guide of the home. As I was showing the house that we’ve grown to love I couldn’t help but see it as a perfect fit for this young family of five. I did everything I could on behalf of my landlord and this family to help them realize why it was a great house to buy. After they left, I contacted the owner of the house and told her that I believed I sold her home. She was estactic, but said we’ll see if that really happens its been on the market for a long time. I said, Mam on a scale of 1-10, I’m telling you this is a 10 when it comes to possible buyer.

Well, fortunately for her and them, I was right. Two days later, they signed a contract on this home. Which means, the Crosby’s are moving again. No, we’re not leaving Walterboro, but we’ve got to find another house in the area. Of course, when Aimee first heard the news this afternoon she needed to sit down and take a deep breath. I knew what she was thinking, “NOT AGAIN.”

Now, don’t get me wrong we would love to stay in this house and for sure I don’t look forward to moving all our stuff, AGAIN. But, this time it feels different. In the past, we thought it was the end of the world. The changes seemed so life changing. Certainly with six of us and the boys getting older everyone has different feelings. But, I believe what keeps us settled is knowing that a house doesn’t make a home.

What makes a home is knowing that those you love are safe, together, and that nothing can take that away. What makes a home is knowing God is in control regardless of how things change and what circumstances you find yourself in at the moment. What makes a home is the hugs, kisses, love, and a faith that makes life worth living and the future always bright.

My landlord said to me this morning. “I can’t believe you’re being so great about this and that you aren’t more upset with me.” I said, “Mam, I just know that God has a plan. And, that if this is His plan for them and you, then He’s also got a plan for me and my family. Yes, I would love to feel in control of the situation, but I have much greater peace in knowing that God is always in control despite what I feel or what I think.”

So, here we go Aimee, Matthew, Joel, Seth, and Asher. We’re moving into our 13th different living location in just 15 yrs of marriage. Let us know if you know of something in the Walterboro area for rent that could house all of us! We’ve got a maximum of 45 days to be out of this place, but would like to find something asap. Preferably 4 bed rooms and in nice neighborhood zoned for Forest Hill Elementary.

(Philippians 4:11-12)(The Message)….”I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

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